Jim L. Huitt, Jr., CTP, MBA, JD
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Jim Huitt joined McShane Group in 1998 with over 16 years of professional experience as both a hands-on manager and as a consultant to companies facing financial crises and operating and liquidity declines. Additionally, he has significant experience advising creditors and investors involved with troubled companies and serving as an expert witness on damages, business valuations and business failures.
Since joining McShane Group, Jim has served as interim president and CEO of several middle market companies charged with improving the operations or preparing them for sale. These interim management assignments included the turnaround of a publicly traded $125MM public IT consulting business, the stabilization and sale of a $100 MM hardware distributor and the turnaround of a publicly traded $85MM public industrial service company. In addition, Jim has served as Chapter 11 Trustee for a defense contractor that was successfully reorganized and as Chapter 11 Trustee of a water bottling company he turned around and then sold. Jim has successfully managed other diverse engagements from wine and liquor distribution to large private universities.
Jim previously served as Director of Litigation and Reorganization Services for Princeton Associates and prior to that, held similar positions with Buccino & Associates and Coopers & Lybrand in Virginia. In both positions, he was responsible for delivering a wide range of financial and economic consulting, valuation and accounting services to attorneys and companies involved in bankruptcy proceedings, litigation, financial workouts and turnarounds. Additionally, he has been retained as an expert witness in over 35 engagements to testify on damages, business valuations, solvency, Chapter 11 reorganization plan viability and other issues.
Jim received his Bachelor's degree in Economics, summa cum laude, from Ohio State University. He received his Master's degree in Business Administration from Duke University Fuqua School of Business, and his Juris Doctor, with distinction, from Duke University School of Law. He is a past President of the Business Workout Council and a member and a former Director of the Turnaround Management Association.
Nathan C. Hamner, BS, MBA, Principal
Richard D. Montgomery, MS, PhD
Leo C. Schaeffler, CPA
© 2012 McShane Group, LLC